Aerospace Precision Machined Parts
We’re equipped with over 60 years of expertise in the Aerospace industry. at cmp, we engineer, manufacture, and assemble with strict adherence to the highest standards of precision.

Fuel Delivery Systems
Parts manufactured from bar stock, castings and forgings. Materials used: 347 Stainless steel, Inconel and Waspaloy.

Explosive Devices for Strategic and Tactical Weapons
Parts manufactured from about 4″ diameter bar 8″ long. Material 17-4, 15-5, and aluminum.

Shear Bolts
These parts are used on the space shuttle for NASA, holding the shuttle to the external fuel tank. They are manufactured out of an Inconel forging 5″ in diameter 18″ long.
CMP: the future of precision manufacturing
When life depends on delivering precision,
You can depend on Chucking Machine Products